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    What is SOC reporting?

    As AICPA states, System and Organization Controls (SOC) is a suite of...

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    UAE Economic Substance Regulations (ECR):

    The UAE introduced Economic Substance Regulations (“the Regulations”) that became effective as...

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    Investors for business in the UAE?

    Having a great business and finding or seeking a right investor in...

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    Department of Health (DoH) launches Abu Dhabi Healthcare Information and Cyber Security (ADHICS) Standard

    The Abu Dhabi Department of Health (“DoH”), being the regulator of healthcare...

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    Everything you want to know about Financial Model

    Who is it for? It is ideal for businesses that are looking...

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    Get USD loan at less than 2% per annum

    NRIs have an opportunity to grow their businesses by overdraft/loan against your...

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    Top 4 Benefits of Partnering with Investor Partner

    1.      Financial Support: Our investors are ready to invest significant amounts of capital to...

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    13 Qualifying Activities for the UAE Corporate Tax

    According to the Ministerial Decision No. 139 of 2023, The following business...

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    Strengthening UAE-Africa Trade Relations: Navigating the Investment Boom with Strategic Financial Solutions

    For businesses looking to capitalize on the UAE-Africa investment boom, understanding the...

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